Mansur-Rig 1.1.4
Mansur-Rig is a python modular rig-builder for Autodesk-Maya, equipped with a full custom rigging nodes-library to fill all of your Rigging needs in one place.
What's new in Version 1.1.4
- Core module settings was added to the documentation
- Construct & deconstruct auto module path fix. Now when you get an external rig, you don't need to use "fix module paths" utility, the fix will happen automatically once you construct or deconstruct
- All new mnsTransformSpring node!
- Using the new node, added a spring feature to Look-At module. This can be used to create dynamic spring vehicle suspention behaviour!
Bug fixes
- #46 - limb interJoints attribute missplaced is now fixed
- Module symmetry and duplicate error when using an emoty channel control is now fixed.
- Module mirror attribute read was missing from simple squash construction
- Added right side flip options for the tweakers is CurveZipB Module