=== Author: Assaf Ben Zur ===
BLOCK Core Utility Library.
This library contains all utility methods used primarily by BLOCK.
The objective of this library is mainting most Block-Core abilities external and independent.
MnsRigInfo [Class]
Mansur - About dialog
Constructor: | MnsRigInfo(parent(str) ; [default: mnsUIUtils.get_maya_window()],rigInfoData(dict) ; [default: {}]) |
Inherits from: | QtWidgets.QDialog |
Class Members: |
For a newly created plg, create all of it's default predefined attributes.
Constructor: | addDefaultAttrsToPlg(plg, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This is the main 'align' trigger to all 'align tools' in BLOCK.
This method will calidate and collect the current scene slection, then align the collected PLG's based on the mode passed in.
Constructor: | alignPLGuides(border = "left", mode = 0) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | attemptModulePathFixForRootGuide(guideRoot, existingBtns) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Run through all existing rig component (in rigTop) and validate the module directories against all existing module directories.
If a module path was found invalid, attempt to re-find it in the existing modules.
Constructor: | attemptModulePathFixFroRigTop(rigTop, existingBtns, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | bakeSlaveControls(rigTop = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method will be called from a rig construction.
This method will look for any contol shapes stored within the given rig (rigTop), and replace the default shapes with any corresponding control shape.
Shape replacement method will be done according to the 'mode' flag (relative/absulote).
Constructor: | buildShapes(ctrls = [], rigTop = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | characterizeHumanIK(charDefData = {}, mode = 0, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect ctrls based on given state:
0: All
1: Modules
2: Selected
Constructor: | collectCtrlRelatives(mode = 0, **kwargs) |
Return: | list (controls) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect ALL related controls for th given rigTop.
Constructor: | collectCtrls(rigTop = None) |
Return: | list (controls) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Based on the oprional arguments passed in, collect all matching related guides to the input root list.
Constructor: | collectGuides(roots = = 1), **kwargs) |
Return: | dict (Related guides), list (sparseGuides, guide without any relations) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect all related controls for the given module.
Constructor: | collectModuleControls(moduleTop, **kwargs) |
Return: | list (controls) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
0: All
1: Branch
2: Module
Constructor: | collectModuleRootsBasedOnMode(mode = 0) |
Return: | list (root guides (modules) to build) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This is the main collect wrapper for all 'align plg' tools in BLOCK.
This methods will validate and collect all PLG to align from the current scene selection
Constructor: | collectPLGuidesToAlign(mode = 0) |
Return: | dict (PLGs to align) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method will collect module root objects based on the input data.
If you need to run MnsRig class internal methods, which can operate on partial modules as well as the entire rig, use this method to collect the partial data to be passed into MnsRig class methods.
In case fromNodes argument is Null, this method will return data based on the current scene selection.
Constructor: | collectPartialModules(fromNodes = [], mode = 0) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method will be called in case a partial build was requested.
Using methods within 'blockUtility', this method will collect the requested modules to build based on the UI state.
Constructor: | collectPartialModulesRoots(mode) |
Return: | list (root guides (modules) to build) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
mode 0 = All
mode 1 = Brnach
mode 2 = module
mode 3 = selected
Constructor: | collectPickerDataForRigTop(rigTop = None, mode = 0) |
Return: | dict (plgs data) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
mode 0 = All
mode 1 = Brnach
mode 2 = module
mode 3 = selected
Constructor: | collectPlgsBasedOnMode(rigTop = None, mode = 0, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect all slaves related to the passed in 'mnsNodeRelationship' node.
Constructor: | collectSlavesFromNdr(ndrNode) |
Return: | list (slave nodes) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | compileCnsCtrlsAttrString(exsitingCnsCtrlsDict = {}) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | connectIfNotConnected(attrA, attrB) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method handles the vis channel connection of a plg to it's related layoutBase attributes based on it's type.
Constructor: | connectPlgToVisChannel(plg) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Connect the passed in 'slave' node to the passed in 'master' node using 'mnsNodeRelationship'.
This method will be successfull only if the master already has a related 'mnsNodeRelationship' node.
Constructor: | connectSlaveToDeleteMaster(slave, master) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | connectTargetSkeleton(defenitionDict = {}, blockNameSpace = "", targetNameSpace = "") |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | constrainObjectsToSurface(MnsBuildModule = None, ctrlMasters = [], jointsToAttach = [], surface = None) |
Return: | list (new ctrls) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
API style scripted construction method.
If you wish to construct a rig from an external command instead of Block's UI, use this method.
You can pass in a fromNodes argument to specify the rig you wish to construct.
In case the fromNodes argument isn't valid, the construction will be selection based.
Also, use the mode argument to specify which mode you wish to construct in:
mode 0 = ALL
mode 1 = Branch
mode 2 = Module
fromNodes is a list argument.
In case any input is passed, this method will attempt to aquire the modules to construct based on the mode selected.
You can pass in any Block-Node names into this method.
Constructor: | constructRig(fromNodes = [], mode = 0) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | convertInputObjToSpace(obj = None) |
Return: | PyNode (Space object if found) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | convertModuleAuthorityToSurface(MnsBuildModule) |
Return: | list (new ctrls) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
copy shape utility.
This method is operation on selection.
Copy the control shape of the first selected component, to the rest of the selection.
Constructor: | copyShape(source = None, targets = [], reposition = True, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method will create and connect the pedefined visibility graph to a given 'Module Top Group'.
The driver attribute will be created within the puppet's 'world control', and the connection graph (using animCurvesUU node) will input into the group's visibility channels.
The channels are split (predefined) as follows:
Secondaries Only
Tertiaries Only
No Primaries
Constructor: | createAndConnectModuleVisChannelsToPuppetRootCtrl(moduleTopNode = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method is used to create CNS controls/sub-controls for existing puppet controls.
In case you need to add extra offset controls in order to constraint them to other components, you can use this method.
Pass in a list of controls you want to add sub-controls to, and run.
This method is also the one used by the CNS Tool.
Constructor: | createCnsForCtrls(ctrls = []) |
Return: | bool (success state) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | createOffsetSkeleton(rigTop = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
The main creation method for PLG creation.
This method will create a new 'Pikcer Layout Guide' based on the passed in parameters.
get picker layout base.
collect projection position if requested.
create and set all attributes
Constructor: | createPickerLayoutGuide(ctrl, override, rigTop = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (plg) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Warpper method that handles multiple PLGs creation.
Constructor: | createPickerLayoutGuides(ctrlsToProject, rigTop, msgPrompt = True, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | createPlgBaseVisChannels(baseLayoutGuide = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method will check wether the 'target' has a visibility channel connection.
In the case the given 'target' has input visibility connection, a 'bridge' multiplyDoubleLinear node will be created.
The brigde node will accomidate both sources as an input, instead of replacing the original visibility by simple multiplication.
By creating the 'bridge', both old and new sources will be kept as drivers, setting the visibility to 'False' if ANY of the given sources is 'False'.
In case there is no connection input to the target's visibility channel, a simple connection will be made using the input source.
Constructor: | createVisibilityBridgeMdl(source = None, target = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | createVolumeJoint(parentJoint = None, childJoint = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | mnsNameStd (volumeJoint) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | createVolumeJointForSelection() |
Return: | mnsNameStd (volumeJoint) |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Atempt to toggle between a selection "control" and "PLG" if possible.
Constructor: | ctrlPickerGuideToggle(**kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
API style scripted deconstruction method.
If you wish to construct a rig from an external command instead of Bloxk's UI, use this method.
You can pass in a fromNodes argument to specify the rig you wish to construct.
In case the fromNodes argument isn't valid, the deconstruction will be selection based.
Also, use the mode argument to specify which mode you wish to construct in:
mode 0 = ALL
mode 1 = Branch
mode 2 = Module
fromNodes is a list argument.
In case any input is passed, this method will attempt to aquire the modules to construct based on the mode selected.
You can pass in any Block-Node names into this method.
Constructor: | deconstructRig(fromNodes = [], mode = 0) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Delete all set custom attributes for the given ctrl.
Constructor: | deleteDefaultsForCtrl(ctrl, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | deleteFreeJntGrpForModule(guideRoot = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | deleteOffsetSekeleton(rigTop = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Block's delete pose wrapper.
Constructor: | deletePoseForGuides(guides = [], poseSet = "T", **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method will filter and delete the rigTops' puppet curves title.
Constructor: | deletePuppetName(rigTop, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Load controls predefined and custom defaults:
0: All
1: Modules
2: Selected
Constructor: | deleteRigDefaults(mode = 0, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | detrmineSymmetryDelta(sourceA = None, sourceB = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Disconnect the slave passed in from it's master, if there is one.
Constructor: | disconnectSlaveFromMaster(slave) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | disconnectTargetSkeleton(defenitionDict = {}, blockNameSpace = "", targetNameSpace = "", **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Block "PLG duplicate" trigger.
This method will handle PLG validation and duplication.
Constructor: | duplicatePlg(guide = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
A simple wrapper mwthod to handle multiple PLG duplication (Based on scene selection).
Constructor: | duplicatePlgs() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | executeActionScript(plgNode) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
mode = 0 - All
mode = 1 - Branch
mode = 2 - module
Simple export method for control shapes.
The relevant control shapes are collected, duplicated and exported to MA.
Constructor: | exportCtrlShapes(mode = 0) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
mode 0 = All
mode 1 = Brnach
mode 2 = module
mode 3 = selected
Constructor: | exportPickerData(rigTop = None, mode = 0) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Trigger method for BLOCK - 'extract control shapes' method.
This method will extract and store the current state of control shapes within the given rig (rigTop).
The extracted shapes will be re-constructed once a rig-rebuild is initiated.
In case of any control shape already exists, it will be replaced by default.
Constructor: | extractControlShapes(ctrls = [], rigTop = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | list (controls) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extractSkeleton(rigTop = None, mode = 0, bakeAnim = False, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extractSkeleton2(rigTop = None, mode = 0, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
A simple method to filter out the "creationOnly" flag for an argument.
This method is called on a dynamicUI creation call if it NOT a "new creation" mode in BLOCK.
In case any arguments within the list passed in is flagged as "creationOnly", it is removed from the list
Constructor: | filterCreationOnlyFromArgs(argsList) |
Return: | list (filtered arguments) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Filter all pre-defined settings to their corresponding gathering methods, and re-collect
Constructor: | filterSettings(fileSettings, node) |
Return: | list (settings), string (current side place holder) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | findNamingIssuesInHierarchy() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Gather custom defaults for all ctrls within the given rig.
This method is used on rig deconstruction, to store all set default values, in order to restore them on construction.
Constructor: | gatherAllControlsCustomDefaults(rigTop) |
Return: | dict (All rig custom defaults) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | gatherCustomDefaultDictForCtrl(ctrl) |
Return: | dict (Custom Defaults Dict) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method will gather an MnsRig class object based on the passed in input, in order to use all of it's methods.
If you need to run any method from MnsRig class, use this method to gather the class object, the run any internal method within.
Constructor: | gatherMnsRigObject() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Gather custom defaults for all ctrls within the given module.
This method is used on rig deconstruction, to store all set default values, in order to restore them on construction.
Constructor: | gatherModuleCustomDefaults(moduleTop) |
Return: | dict (module custom defaults) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Get all controls for the given rig top.
Constructor: | getAllCtrlsFromRigTop(rigTop = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Gather all guide roots for the passed in rigTop node.
Constructor: | getAllGuideRootsForRigTop(rigTop) |
Return: | list (rootGuides) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect all 'picker layout guides' from the rig passed in (as rigTop)
Constructor: | getAllPlgsForRigTop(rigTop) |
Return: | list (All PLGs) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect all 'color associated' nodes within the passed in rigTop.
All returned nodes are considered 'color associated', meaning they are nodes that all of their shapes need to be directly colored.
Constructor: | getAllcolCtrlforRigTop(rigTop) |
Return: | list (colorControls) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Recusrsivly collect all child modules from the given rootGuide's decendents.
Constructor: | getChildModules(rootGuide) |
Return: | list (module decendents) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getCompundChildren(rootGuide = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getConstructionState(rigTop = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the 'Control Shapes Group' from the passed in rigTop.
Constructor: | getCsGrpFromRigTop(rigTop = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (ctrlShapes group) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getCtrlAuthFromRootGuide(rootGuide = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getCtrlAuthFromRootGuides(rGuides = []) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Get the passed in node's color based on it's type, heirarchy and attributes.
Constructor: | getCtrlCol(ctrl, rigTop, **kwargs) |
Return: | tuple[3] (color) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getCtrlShapesForModueRoot(guideRoot) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getCtrlsFromModuleRoot(guideRoot) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect the delete master from a slave's related 'mnsNodeRelationship' node, if there is one.
This method will collect the master connected to the 'deleteMaster' attribute of the node.
Constructor: | getDeleteMasterFromSlave(slave) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (master) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getExisingCnsCtrlsForRigTop(rigTop) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getExistingCpomNodeFromSurface(surface) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect existing 'spaces' constraints for a passed in (built) control, in order to re-build them in turn, after correct filtering and validation (in case of a partial build for example).
Constructor: | getExistingSpaceConstraintForControl(ctrl = None) |
Return: | list (mnsMatrixConstraint nodes) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Wrapper mwthod to collect 'spaces' constraints for multiple controls.
Constructor: | getExistingSpaceConstraintForControls(controls = []) |
Return: | dict (constraintSpaces dictionary) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getExistingVolumeJointNodeForJoint(joint = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getExistingVolumeJointNodeForVolumeJoint(joint = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method is used to retreive any output decompose matrix node to be used as global scale input connection.
If this method fails to retreive such attribute, it creates one and returns it.
Constructor: | getGlobalScaleAttrFromTransform(transform = None) |
Return: | Attribute |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect a ctrl type object's 'Guide Authority', or related guide object.
Constructor: | getGuideParent(objectSel = None) |
Return: | PyNode |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the 'Picker Title Group' from the passed in rigTop.
Constructor: | getJointStructGrpFromRigTop(rigTop = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (Offset Skeleton Grp) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getKeyboardModifiersState() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
mode 0: fk controls and attrHost
mode 1: ik controls and attrHost
mode 2: both and attrHost
mode 3: attrHost only
Constructor: | getLimbModuleControls(limbCtrl, mode = 2) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getModuleAnimGrp(obj = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect all given module dendents using a 'wild-card' search method.
This will collect all relatives using a * search within the root decendents, and return all of the passed in node types.
Constructor: | getModuleDecendentsWildcard(guideRoot, **kwargs) |
Return: | list (matching decendents) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method will attempt to collect a related PyModule from the given guideRoot passed in.
This method will not return the module's methods, only the PyModule as an object.
This method also contains override optional arguments to specify a direct path or module name.
Constructor: | getModuleFromGuide(guideRoot, **kwargs) |
Return: | PyModule (object) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect all of the root guide module relatives for the passed in moduleRoot (or rootGuide).
Constructor: | getModuleGuideDecendents(guideRoot) |
Return: | list (sorted by ID module decendents) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect all the given moduleRoot's 'interpolationJoints' relatives.
Constructor: | getModuleInterpJoints(guideRoot, **kwargs) |
Return: | list (matching interJoints) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the root guide relative from the given node.
Constructor: | getModuleRoot(objectA) |
Return: | PyNode (rootGuide) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getModuleRootCtrl(obj = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect a 'root guide' relative from the current selection
Constructor: | getModuleRootForSel() |
Return: | PyNode (moduleRoot) |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getModuleScale(MnsBuildModule) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Get passed in module settings.
First get the default settings and values from the build-module directory,
then compare against the rootGuide attributes, and return the filtered and altered settings.
Constructor: | getModuleSettings(rootGuide, firstAttempt = True, **kwargs) |
Return: | dict,int (optionalArguments, spilt index - for dynUI) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect the 'Module Top Group' related to the passed in control.
Constructor: | getModuleTopForCtrl(ctrl = None, nameMatch = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (Module Top Group) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect 'Module Top Group' from a given root guide.
Constructor: | getModuleTopFromRootGuide(rootGuide = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (Module Top Group) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect the related 'mnsNodeRelationship' node from the given input node.
Constructor: | getNodeRelationshipNodeFromObject(node) |
Return: | PyNode |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect the offsetGroup related to the passed in control, if it exists.
Constructor: | getOffsetGrpForCtrl(ctrl, **kwargs) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (offset group) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the 'Picker Title Group' from the passed in rigTop.
Constructor: | getOffsetSkeletonGrpFromRigTop(rigTop = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (Offset Skeleton Grp) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the opposite related mns object if it exists.
Only non 'ceneter components' will be tested of course.
Constructor: | getOppositeSideControl(obj = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (Opposite object) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the 'Picker Guide Group' from the passed in rigTop.
Constructor: | getPickerGuidesGrpFromRigTop(rigTop = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (Picker Guide Group) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the 'Picker Layout Base guide' from the passed in rigTop.
Constructor: | getPickerLayoutBaseFromRigTop(rigTop = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (Picker Layout Base guide) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the 'Picker Layout Camera' from the passed in rigTop.
Constructor: | getPickerLayoutCamFromRigTop(rigTop = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (Picker Layout Base guide) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the 'Picker Projection Camera' from the passed in rigTop.
Constructor: | getPickerProjectionCamFromRigTop(rigTop = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (Picker Projection Camera) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the 'Picker Title Group' from the passed in rigTop.
Constructor: | getPickerTitleGrpFromRigTop(rigTop = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (Picker Title Group)) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the 'puppet group' from the passed in rigTop.
Constructor: | getPuppetBaseFromRigTop(rigTop = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (puppet base) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the 'Puppet World Control' from the passed in rigTop.
Constructor: | getPuppetRootFromRigTop(rigTop = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (Puppet world control) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect a 'Python Module' (or package) related to the given guide node passed in.
If a related module was found, this method will return it as a PyModule object not as a directory.
This method will also return the module's methods in a dictionary in order to run directly from it.
Constructor: | getPyModuleFromGuide(guide) |
Return: | PyModule, dict (module methods as keys and method objects as entries) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect a related node from the 'messageOut' attribute of the given node's 'mnsNodeRelationship' node.
Constructor: | getRelatedNodeFromObject(node) |
Return: | PyNode |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getRelatedVolJntSourcesForSelection() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect the delete master from a slave's related 'mnsNodeRelationship' node, if there is one.
This method will collect the master connected to the 'masterIn' attribute of the node.
Constructor: | getRelationMasterFromSlave(slave) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (master) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to get a rigTop node from the passed in node to check.
Constructor: | getRigTop(objectA) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (rigTop) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getRigTopAssemblies() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to get a rigTop node from current selection
Constructor: | getRigTopForSel(**kwargs) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (rigTop) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the related 'rootGuide' from the given control passed in.
Constructor: | getRootGuideFromCtrl(obj) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (rootGuide) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the rig's root guide from the passed in rigTop node
Constructor: | getRootGuideFromRigTop(rigTop = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (rig root guide) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getRootJointsFromModuleRoot(guideRoot) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Get setting for the requested setting path.
The settings are being filtered and set according to a node passed in.
Constructor: | getSettings(settingsPath, node, blkType) |
Return: | list (optionalArgumentsFromFile), string (current side place holder) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
For a non "center" component passed in, recursively attempt to collect the 'side-branch' root guide.
In essence look for the highest rootGuide in the selected 'side' heirarchy that has a 'center' component parent- meaning it's the top of the requested branch.
Constructor: | getSideModuleBranchRoot(guide = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (branch root) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getSimpleRivetsNodeForMesh(mesh = None) |
Return: | PyNode |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getSymAttrBasedOnSymMapping(attr = None, attrMapping = {}) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getSymmetricalVolumeJoint(vJnt = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | mnsNameStd (symmetrical volume-joint) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getTabTitleAndIndex(name) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getVJntSources(vJnt = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getVJointData(vJnt) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | handleInterpLocsStructureReturn(rigTop = None, interpLocs = [], guides = [], **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Simple import method for control shapes.
Constructor: | importCtrlShapes() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | importGuidePreset(presetName = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | importPickerData(**kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | injectPlgPropertiesFromData(plg = None, data = {}) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method is used primarily through Block UI, to insert guides above/below any guide selection.
This will handle all exceptions, as well as re-analyze and re-orgenize each module based on the action performed.
Constructor: | insertGuides(amount = 0, mode = "above", **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | jointRotateToOrientTrigger(rigTop = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
mode 0 - Match FK to IK
mode 1 - Match IK to FK
Constructor: | limbMatchFkIK(limbCtrl, mode = 0, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Load all default attributes for the given control, taking mnsDefaults (custom) into acount
Constructor: | loadDefaultsForCtrl(ctrl, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Set Maya's main camera panel, to the default 'persp' camera.
Constructor: | loadPerspCam() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Set the main maya camera view to the 'picker projection camera', based on the scene selection (or the related rigTop to selection).
Constructor: | loadPickerProjectionCam() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Block's load pose wrapper.
Constructor: | loadPoseForGuides(guides = [], poseSet = "T", **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | loadResetValuesForOffsetJoint(offsetJnt = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Load controls predefined and custom defaults:
0: All
1: Modules
2: Selected
Constructor: | loadRigDefaults(mode = 0, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | loadRigInfo(puppetRoot = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | locateCnsForCtrl(ctrl = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | locatePLGBaseVisMdNodes(baseLayoutGuide = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (bodyMdNode), MnsNameStd (facialMDNode) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | matchExtractedSkeletonToBaseSkeleton() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | matchGuidesToTargetSkeleton(defenitionDict = {}, blockNameSpace = "", targetNameSpace = "") |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | matchKeyableAttributes(source = None, target = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | mirrorCtrls(ctrls = [], direction = 0, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Action trigger for an invalid module path fix attempt
Constructor: | missingModuleActionTrigger(rigTop, missingModuleName, existingBtns) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | muteLocalTransformations(ctrl = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method is used to create the rig's curves puppet title and connect it to to it's world control as additional shape nodes.
Constructor: | namePuppet(rigTop, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | orderGuidesToFamilyOrder(guides = []) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | orientGuides(guides = [], **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
The global action trigger for any picker UI button click trigger.
This method will trigger the "controls selection" and the "action script" for the passed in QPushButton passed in.
Constructor: | pickerButtonClickAction(btn, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Load a new Maya panel, with the 'Picker Layout Camera' related to the scene selction.
This will also set the panel settings before loading it, based on the rigTop and 'layout base' attributes.
Constructor: | pickerLayoutAdjust() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Toggle between PLG 'control' view, to 'title' view.
Constructor: | pickerTitleToggle() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
A simple method to check for argument duplicates within an argument dict
Constructor: | preCheckNameForUI(arguments, suffix) |
Return: | dict (recompiled arguments) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
A wrapper method that handles plg projection from scene objects based on mode.
mode 0 = selected
mode 1 = module
mode 2 = branch
Constructor: | projectPickerLayout(mode = 0, msgPrompt = True) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Get the passed in Ctrl PLG position, relative to the rig's 'layoutBase'.
This method 'projects' the ctrl position based on the rig's 'Projection Camera' into the layout base space, and returns it's processed position.
Constructor: | projectPickerLayoutPos(ctrl, cam, layoutBase) |
Return: | tuple[3] (posX), tuple[3] (posY) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
A wrapper method that handles plg projection from selected scene objects.
Constructor: | projectSelectedPickerLayout(msgPrompt = True) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
0 = All
1 = Branch
2 = Module
Constructor: | rebuildJointStructure(mode = 0) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Recursively attempt to collect the 'Module Top Group' related to the ctrl passed in within it's related parents.
Constructor: | recGetModuleTopForCtrl(ctrl = None) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (Module Top Group) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Recursivly attempt to get a parent joint starting with a given root object, scaling up the heirarchy.
Constructor: | recGetParentJoint(rootObject = None) |
Return: | mnsNameStd |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | recRenameLowerIndex(root = None, moduleGuides = [], moduleJoints = []) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Recusrsivly look for a 'rootGuide' from the given node's parent relatives.
Constructor: | recSearchForGuideRootInParents(obj) |
Return: | PyNode (rootGuide) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | removeAlienMatchesFromList(guideRoot, currentMatches = []) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method is used to delete all 'Authority' from the passsed in slave, if there are any.
Constructor: | removeAllAuthority(slave = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (oldAuthority) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method is used to remove existing CNS controls/sub-controls for existing puppet controls.
If you have CNS controls you want to remove, use this method.
Pass in a list of controls you want to remove sub-controls from, and run.
This method is also the one used by the CNS Tool.
Constructor: | removeCnsFromCtrls(ctrls = []) |
Return: | bool (success state) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | removeGuides(**kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method will remove the corresponding "module vis" channel from the given puppet base control.
This method is used when a 'partial deconstruction' is initiated, keeping only relevant vis channels in place, removing the 'deconstructed' modules vis channels.
Constructor: | removeModuleVisAttrFromPuppetTop(moduleTopNode = None, puppetTop = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Simple method to re-center a control shape to its natural pivot
Constructor: | repositionShape(targets = []) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | resetAllControlForRigTop(rigTop = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
reset all keyable attributes to default value.
Constructor: | resetControls(controls=[], **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | resetOffsetSkeleton(rigTop = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
mode 0 = Save
mode 1 = Load
mode 2 = Delete
poses: Bind, T, A
Constructor: | saveLoadDagPose(rootJoint = None, mode = 1, poseName = "Bind") |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This is the main wrapper for all pose 'save & load' triggers of BLOCK.
Constructor: | saveLoadPose(guides = [], **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Block's save pose wrapper.
Constructor: | savePoseForGuides(guides = [], poseSet = "T", msgPrompt = False, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Search for a 'guide authority' or 'rootGuide' in the given node's decendents
Constructor: | searchForRootGuideInRelatives(obj) |
Return: | PyNode (rootGuide) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Select all controls for the given rig top.
Constructor: | selectAllCtrls(rigTop = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | selectRelatedControls(controlsToSelect, mode = "replace") |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | selectSlaveControls(rigTop = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Attempt to collect the passed in node's color (based on its type), and set it if seccessfull.
Constructor: | setCtrlCol(ctrl, rigTop, **kwargs) |
Return: | MnsNameStd (ctrl) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Set custom defaults for keyable attributes for the given control, based on it's current state.
Constructor: | setCurrentStateAsDefaultForCtrl(ctrl, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | setResetValuesForOffsetJoint(offsetJnt = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Set controls custom defaults based on given state:
0: All
1: Modules
2: Branches
Constructor: | setRigDefaults(mode = 0, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
For all relevant decendents of the passed in moduleRoot, get and set it's color.
Constructor: | setgCtrlColorForModule(rigTop, moduleRoot) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Set ALL relevnt controls within a rigTop, to their color based on their type.
Constructor: | setgCtrlColorForRigTop(rigTop) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
A simple method to symmetrize custom guides nurbs shapes when aplicable
0: All
1: Modules
2: Branches
3: selection
0: L -> R
1: R -> L
Constructor: | symmetrizeCGShape(mode = 0, direction = 0, cGuides = []) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Block 'plg symmetrize' button trigger.
This method will handle validation and creation of PLG related symmetrical plg.
Constructor: | symmetrizePlg(guide = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
A simple wrapper method to symmetrize multiple PLG's (based on scene selection).
Constructor: | symmetrizePlgs() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | symmetrizeVJ(vJnt = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Atempt to toggle between a selection guide and main joint if possible.
Constructor: | toggleGuideCtrl(**kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Atempt to toggle between a selection guide and main joint if possible.
Constructor: | toggleGuideJoint(**kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | togglePickerCtrlBodyFacial() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
This is a very important method used in BLOCK cosntruction.
This method will find the current 'guide control' from the given joint slave. and transfer it's authority to a newly created 'control authority'.
This method will be called on every module build and it is the main trigger to flag a module construction.
The 'authority' attribute for every guide or control is used to distiguish the module state, and jnt state.
When transfering an authority to a ctrl, a 'old authority' attr (of sort) is created, in order for the procedural 'deconstruct' to look for and tranfer the jnt authority back to it's orignal guide,
before deleting the constructed module.
See also parallel: 'transferAuthorityToGuide' Method.
Constructor: | transferAuthorityToCtrl(slave = None, ctrlMaster = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This is a very important method used in BLOCK de-construction.
This method will find the current 'control' from the given joint slave. and transfer it's authority to a it's original 'guide' authority.
This method will be called procedurally on any module deconstruction, before deleting the constructed module.
See also parallel: 'transferAuthorityToCtrl' Method.
Constructor: | transferAuthorityToGuide(ctrl = None, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | transferAuthorityToOffsetSkeleton(rigTop = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | transferAuthorityToPuppet(rigTop = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
OBSELETE. PLG parenting is no longer in use.
Constructor: | upParentAllPlgTrigger() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Rig structure update required trigger.
This method will be called in case any 'jntStructMember' attribute was altered, which means the internal joint structure of the module needs to be rebuilt.
This method will locate and filter the existing module related joint structure, destroy it, and re-build it using the updated settings.
Constructor: | updateRigStructure(softMod = False, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | volumeJointAngleSymmetryMapping(symmetryDelta = pm.datatypes.Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |