=== Author: Assaf Ben Zur ===
UI Utility function assembly.
This module holds all UI utility functions as well s any QT dynamic draw functions.
All UI functions should be held in here for multi-usage of the same UI draw functions.
This module also holds the QT ui dynamic conversion to '.py' and the 'get_maya_window' function.
A simple method to acquire an external QT window, into an actual PyQt MianWindow object.
Constructor: | acquireExternalWindow(UIName = None) |
Return: | QMainWindow (UI Class) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | applyCollapsibleWidgetsForPairing(pairing = [], expandedTabs = []) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | buildFormBaseClassForUI(script_dir, rel_path) |
Return: | baseClass, formClass |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main BLOCK dynamiuc tab builder.
Builds a tab for a given tab parent including all the neccesary layouts within, returning the main layout that can be inserted with new q items.
Constructor: | buildStackedTabForModuleParentDir(modDirName, insertIndex, tabWidget, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main BLOCK dynamiuc tab builder.
Builds a tab for a given tab parent including all the neccesary layouts within, returning the main layout that can be inserted with new q items.
Constructor: | buildTabForModuleParentDir(modDirName, insertIndex, tabWidget, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
DynUI 'channel control' checkBox changed command trigger.
Constructor: | checkChannelCommand(chanBtn,chanCbxs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
DynUI color-override default command trigger.
Constructor: | colOverrideBlockDefTriggerCommand(colorOverrideCbx, sideCB, ovverideBtnList) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
DynUI color-override changed command trigger.
Constructor: | colOverrideStateChange(colorOverrideCbx, sideCB, ovverideBtnList) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
A method for replacing a projectRoot variable within a relative path to the absolute path
Based on the current project directory
Constructor: | convertRelativePathToAbs(filePath = "") |
Return: | string |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Load about dialog
Constructor: | createAboutWindow() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | createTextSeparator(label = "", QMenuItem = None, parent = get_maya_window()) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Add button trigger command for "custom scripts" slot of synamic UI.
Constructor: | customScriptsAddCommand(listWidget) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Default trigger command for 'custom scripts' slot in dynUI.
Constructor: | customScriptsDefaultCommand(listWidget, MnsArgumentObj) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Remove button trigger command for "custom scripts" slot of synamic UI.
Constructor: | customScriptsRemoveCommand(listWidget) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
A method to delete all widgets/object from a given layout
Constructor: | deleteAllLayoutItems(layout, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main dynamic check-box UI draw.
Creates a simple boolean check-box (QCheckBox) as well as a connected 'default' button.
Constructor: | drawBooleanChk(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent) |
Return: | QCheckBox |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main dynamic 'button and field' draw.
Draws a deault button, text field and an 'Insert items from scene' button into the given parent layout.
This function makes all relevant connections between the QItems created-
'Load command' from the QPushButton (insert) to the text field
'Clear' trigger for the text field.
'Set default' from the QPushButton 'default' to the text field.
These connections are made within in order the return the QLEdit only, with no need to worrie about the 'functionallity' buttons created, only the value within the text field.
Constructor: | drawButtonAndField(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent, alphaLimit = False) |
Return: | QLEdit |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main 'unknown' button and field UI draw.
In case the MnsArgument.type in question is an unknown type, draw a button and field style item for it.
Constructor: | drawButtonAndFieldUnknown(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent) |
Return: | QLEdit |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Draw channel column (part of channel control) into a DynUI.
Constructor: | drawChannelColumnAndConnect(MnsArgumentObj, channel, **kwargs) |
Return: | QVBoxLayout (layout), list (drawen boxes) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Draw the predefined channel-control slot into a DynUI.
Constructor: | drawChannelControl(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent, **kwargs) |
Return: | list (all channel cbxs) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main dynamic 'draw color box' creation function.
Will create a new QPushButton with its 'color picker' style display and inserts it into the given layoutParent.
An automatic connection to the 'getColor' function is made, as well as a 'default' button creation and connection is made.
Constructor: | drawColorBox(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent) |
Return: | QPushButton |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | drawColorBtnAndConnect(default, **kwargs) |
Return: | QPushButton |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main block 'draw color scheme box' creation function.
Will create a new QPushButton series with 'color picker's style display and inserts it into the given layoutParent.
An automatic connection to the 'getColor' function is made, as well as a 'default' button creation and connection is made.
Constructor: | drawColorScheme(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent) |
Return: | list |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Draw the predefined 'color scheme' slot into a dynUI.
Constructor: | drawColorSchemeOverride(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent, **kwargs) |
Return: | list |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
draw a "custom scripts" slot into dyn UI.
Constructor: | drawCustomScriptsSlot(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent) |
Return: | QListWidget |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main dynamic 'draw blend shape targets box' creation function.
Constructor: | drawExtraChannelsBox(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent) |
Return: | QTreeWidget |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main dynamic "Float spinner" UI draw
Creates a Float QDoubleSpinBox widget, and a default button connected to it.
Constructor: | drawFloatScroll(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent) |
Return: | QDoubleSpinBox |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Draw a simple Horizontal devider into the dynUI.
Constructor: | drawHorizontalDevider(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent) |
Return: | QFrame (Horizontal line devider) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main dynamic 'int field' field and spinner UI draw.
Creates an int QSpinBox widget, and a default button connected to it.
Constructor: | drawIntSpinner(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent) |
Return: | QSpinBox |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | drawJntStructMemberCol(layout = None, argument = None) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main BLOCK dynamic build module buttom function draw.
Builds a new QPushButoon for a given module, return the QPushButton created after connecting it to the given 'connectFunction'.
The QPush buttom created will then to be inserted into a layout by the caller function.
Constructor: | drawModuleButton(MnsBuildModuleObj, connectFunction) |
Return: | QPushButton |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main dynamic 'option box' draw.
Drawing a new ob based on parameters within the MnsArgument object passed in.
The QComboBox is inserted into the parent layout passed in.
A default button and connection is made.
Constructor: | drawOptionBox(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent) |
Return: | QComboBox |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main Path row draw
Constructor: | drawPathField(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent) |
Return: | QLEdit |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Picker method- draw a generic picker button.
Constructor: | drawPrimaryButton(plg, tabWidget, pickerBase, picker) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main dynamic 'draw spaces box' creation function.
Constructor: | drawSpacesBox(MnsArgumentObj, layoutParent, **kwargs) |
Return: | QListWidget |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | dynUIExtraChannelsMenu(treeWG, position) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extraChannelsAddDivider(treeWG, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extraChannelsAddRow(treeWG, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extraChannelsChangeDirection(treeWG, direction = 1) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extraChannelsDuplicateRows(treeWG, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extraChannelsEdit(item, col) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extraChannelsLoadCBSel(treeWG) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extraChannelsMoveItemsDown(treeWG) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extraChannelsMoveItemsUp(treeWG) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extraChannelsRemoveSelected(treeWG) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extraChannelsValidateCurrentData(treeWG) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | extractAllMayaIcons() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | fourKWindowAdjust(window) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | fourKWindowRevert(window) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Simple 'get color for a color PButton'.
Creates a new QColorDialog asking the user for a color choice.
When color selected sets the caller QPushButton color to the selected color
Constructor: | getColor(btn, **kwargs) |
Return: | tuple[3] (color) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Collect a normalized array of colors from a 'colorSceheme' enum attribute.
Constructor: | getColorArrayFromColorScheme(side, colorScheme) |
Return: | list (color sceheme) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
get the most recent eula.
Constructor: | getEulaText() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getGuiStyle() |
Return: | None |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
This method is used to 'project' a plg into the projection camera's film gate.
Get the relative position of the plg to the camera film-gate's top left corener.
Constructor: | getObjectScreenSpaceByFilmGate(objectProj, cam) |
Return: | float, float (posX, posY) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Dyn UI path slot 'get path' command trigger.
Constructor: | getPathCommand(LEdit, mode = 0, fileTypes = []) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Get the relative position of the requested plg, based on the 'Picker Layout Base' Guide top left corner.
Return the local bounding box size as well.
Constructor: | getPlgPosition(plg, pickerBase) |
Return: | float,float,float,float (posX,PosY,Width,Height) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | getWindow(windowName = "") |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main maya window get for a global UI parent
Constructor: | get_maya_window() |
Return: | qtWindow (main maya window as a qt window) |
Arguments: | |
Keyword Arguments: |
Load to list command trigger (dynUI)
Constructor: | listLoadCmd(QListWidget) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Remove from list command trigger (dynUI)
Constructor: | listRemoveCommand(QListWidget) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Main text field 'load from scene' trigger command.
This command will update the given QLEdit with members of the maya scene when triggered.
Three main cases:
Nothing is selected - if the field is empty- do nothing, else clear the field.
objects are selected, without any CB selection - load the object names in, seperated by commas.
Objects are selected and there is a CB selection as well - load all objects and chnnels in a 'object.channel' format, seperated by commas.
Constructor: | loadCmd(LEdit) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
This function converts a '.ui' file into a '.py' file live.
This means that all UI's are derived from a QT designer ui files that are converted directly to form the UI.
This keeps a live connection between the '.ui' file and the actul UI in maya. Meaning that any edit or a change to the UI base needs to be done only from the QT designer, without any further action by the user.
It reruns a baseClass and a formClass to be used when creating any UI.
Constructor: | load_ui_type(ui_file) |
Return: | baseClass, formClass |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | optionBoxTextTrigger(comboBox = None, lineWditWidget = None, index = 0) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | readGuiStyle(scheme = "dark", **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
A method to delete all widgets/object from a given layout
Constructor: | recDeleteAllLayoutItems(layout, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
A method for checking if any file path can be converted to a relative path.
If relative path is available, promt a message asking the user if he want to convert.
if so, convert and return.
Constructor: | relativePathCheck(filePath = "") |
Return: | string |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | reloadWindow(windowName = "") |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
'Set default' trigger for a QCheckBox item.
Constructor: | setBooleanDefaultCmd(cbx,default) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
DynUI chennel control slot default command trigger.
Constructor: | setChennelControlDefaultCmd(cbxList, MnsArgumentObj) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
A 'set color back to default command.
A command to be triggered by an outside 'default' button, or when initializing to set the specified QPushButton color back to it's default value.
Constructor: | setColorDefaultCmd(btn, colorDef) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
DynUI color-scheme default command trigger.
Constructor: | setColorSchemeDefaultCmd(btnList, default) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
'Set default' trigger for a QDoubleSpinBox item.
Constructor: | setFloatDefaultCmd(spinner,default) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
'Set deafult' command trigget for an int QSpinBox.
Constructor: | setIntDefaultCmd(spinner,default) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | setIntIncrement(spinner, increment, start) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | setLinkToQLabel(labelObj = None, ahref = "") |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
'Default' command trigger for a 'list' type synamic row (dynUI)
Constructor: | setListWidgetDefaultCommand(QListWidget, default) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
A 'set default' command to be triggered for a combo box item.
Constructor: | setOtionBoxDefaultCmd(cbox, default) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Constructor: | setSpaceDefault(listWG, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
'Set default' command trigger from a text field
Constructor: | setStringDefaultCmd(LEdit,default) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
DynUI side combo box changed command trigger.
Constructor: | sideCBChangedTriggerCommand(colorOverrideCbx, sideCB, ovverideBtnList, rigTop, ignoreOvverideCheckbox = False) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Create a new maya 'tear-off' panel.
Constructor: | tearOffWindow(name, title, width, height, cameraToView) |
Return: | pymel.core.window (tear-off window) |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |
Convert a maya UI component into a QT object
Constructor: | toQtObject(mayaName, **kwargs) |
Return: | None |
Arguments: |
Keyword Arguments: |