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  • Go to and create an account (if you haven't already).
  • Log in to your account.
  • You will be automatically given a free Mansur-Rig unlimited license.
  • Download the latest version of Mansur-Rig.
  • Extract the .zip library to your preferred location.
  • If you have another version already installed, preferably extract to the same location (version root folder should be placed in the same root folder of the previous version)
    • .../ANY_DIRECTORY/mansurRig_1.0.1
    • .../ANY_DIRECTORY/mansurRig_1.0.2
    • .../ANY_DIRECTORY/mansurRig_1.0.3
  • Go into the main version directory
  • Drag and Drop the "mansurRig_DragAndDrop_install.mel" into any supported Maya version
  • Follow the prompt instructions
  • Restart Maya


Please make sure to update as appropriate. Version Updates Guide

Manual Installation

  • Download and extract Mansur-Rig as described above.
  • For the target Maya version, locate "Maya.env" file. For example (On Windows): "C:\Users\xxx\Documents\maya\2022\Maya.env"
  • Open the file for editting using any text editor software (e.g. Notepad)
  • Insert the following variable, changing the directory to your Mansur-Rig extracted version location: MAYA_MODULE_PATH = D:\mansurRig\mansurRig_1.3.6


  • Locate any installation directory of Mansur-Rig in your file system
  • Go into the main version (any version) directory
  • Drag and Drop the "mansurRig_DragAndDrop_UNINSTALL.mel" into any supported Maya version
  • Follow the prompt instructions
  • Restart Maya

Linux Notes

  • As opposed to the Windows installer, the Linux version will install Mansur-Rig on the choosen maya version only.
  • The Linux installer is using the local Maya.env file to append the new envioronment variable instead of installing a system-wide persistant variable, as the installer can not assume system write permissions.
  • In case you want to install Mansur-Rig on multiple versions of Maya, please repeat the installation (drag-drop) on every required Maya version.